Extended Producer Responsibility: A Consumer-Centric Approach
Joe Macleod Joe Macleod

Extended Producer Responsibility: A Consumer-Centric Approach

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is gaining momentum, aiming to shift the burden of waste management from society and the environment back to producers. As this movement gains traction, it's crucial to consider how consumers will experience and engage with EPR initiatives. While many businesses focus on the material outcomes of EPR, such as reducing plastic waste, few are examining how these changes will impact their customers' experiences. Let's explore the various dimensions through which consumers will interact with EPR.

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Bias Benevolence
Joe Macleod Joe Macleod

Bias Benevolence

Charity is said to begin at home, but it might be more accurate to say that it begins with a sale. It’s often at the point of purchase that a consumer finds it easiest to behave benevolently. Can we say the same about the end? Do we care as much about who dismantles our electronics, processes our waste, or recycles our plastic? Or do we find our charities surrendered to a consumption cycle like everything else.

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