Do your endings help brand, circular economy, EPR or ESG targets?


You could be a physical product business with recapture rates, recycling, and reverse logistics, aligning with circularity ambitions, or a service business needing to align with legislation and increase brand equity, or a tech business wanting to honour privacy and data quality,
how the consumer experiences endings are a critical part of your business.


Current state

Great place to start with endings.
An expert evaluation of a current product, consumer off-boarding experience. Providing a baseline of endings.


What is this project trying to solve?

Assess the issues surrounding the end of the consumer lifecycle, through:

• Customer feedback
• Internal stakeholder interviews
• Data and logistics
• Competitors and adjacent category comparisons
• National and international legislation


What will be the tangible deliverables?

Report including:

  • Feedback from customers about their leaving experience

  • Feedback from staff who have experience at the product ending

  • Material / data flow of the off-boarding experience

  • Landscape of endings that influence your off-boarding experience

  • Current consumer off-boarding journey map

  • How your brand is reflected at the end

  • Ends canvas


How will this help the business?

An actionable foundation from which to improve your off-boarding experience by understanding your weakness and opportunities.

Future state

Once your business is confident with understanding the current state of off-boarding experience, move forward to look at what opportunities lay ahead for your product and business strategy.


What is this project trying to solve?

Improve your consumer off-boarding experience, by:

  • Identifying the best ending your business can deliver

  • Understanding how it will influence circularity targets, digital ethics, recapture rates and brand equity


What will be the tangible deliverables?

An off-boarding strategy and vision, including:

  • Short term improvements to the current off-boarding experience

    Initiatives that build the best opportunities for the future

  • Journey map of consumer flow potentials

  • Integration with your development process

    Training for your teams to allow them to work independently on the end of the consumer lifecycle

  • Ends canvas


How will this help the business?

Provide actionable short-term improvement opportunities and a future vision

  • Maximise initiatives in circularity, ESG, sustainability or reverse logistics

  • Align with legislation, honour privacy and data ambitions

  • Give your teams confidence and direction

  • Improve brand equity

Bespoke engagement

If your business has already identified a need for improved consumer off-boarding, then I am happy to help achieve that.

This type of engagement can be very flexible. Project specific, regular support (day, weekly, monthly,), or retained for a quantity of hours. It can also be integrated alongside training for your teams.

I have decades of experience in designing and delivering services and products, either independently or running teams and leading businesses. In this mode I can educate, support and guide your business to deliver the most effective off-boarding experiences. 

Who is this for?

You could be a physical product business with recapture rates, recycling, and reverse logistics, aligning with circularity ambitions, or a service business needing to align with legislation and increase brand equity, or a tech business wanting to honour privacy and data quality, how the consumer experiences endings are a critical part of your business.

These engagements can be useful for a wide array of departments in your business.
Management teams can build upon the opportunity space that is presented. Product teams can use it as a starting point to build the next generation consumer experience. Circularity and sustainability teams can use it to bolster initiatives. Technical teams can use it to establish protocols. Service teams can align around its findings when providing support.

Clients include: Fairphone, Logitech, EY, Spotify, Intuit, Microsoft, Pepsico, Volvo, Ellen Macarthur Foundation, and Electrolux.