The Ends talk appeals to a broad audience.
The issues it covers impact us all as consumers and product creators. Audiences in design, circularity, tech, services, and product development have all found it enormously relevant in their work.
Ends Talk
“This was the kind of talk that you keep thinking about for the days and weeks after. It’s already sparked discussions within the UX and Design team”
“What an incredible talk. Very powerful and so much in it to take away and think about and so many things to apply!”
Variations of the talk have been given over 200 times in recent years, often as a keynote, at venues across America, Europe, Middle East, Australia and Asia. In the last couple of years with Covid, the talk has been adapted to be delivered to an online audience as well as a live one.
Clients range from conferences, corporates and colleges. Management or products teams that want to inspire a different type of thinking in their teams. Hosts that want broader, more disruptive conference content. Or courses, that want to produce challenging thinkers in industry.
Clients include: Microsoft, Volvo, EY, Sky, Intuit, Facebook, Google Deepmind, Design Council, BT, JPM, TEDx, UX Live, AIGA, IXDA, Spotify, PepsiCo, to name a few.
Feedback from audience and hosts
“…without doubt the most entertaining and thought provoking speaker I’ve seen in years. His Ends topic is arguably the most important yet sadly, rarely spoken about.”
“extremely interesting closing discussion around "ends". Huge opportunity to design ends for our customer service, no one does this well, could solve a lot of problems.”
“Fascinating stuff from @mrmacleod on our relationship with consumption. Consumer self vs civil self.”
Data from conference hosts, when asking attendees through surveys, found that the Endineering talk is often one of the most preferred talk at conferences.