Endineering Course

Berghs 2022.
March 21 - April 6th





Monday 21st of March

Presentation for the 21st March > Here <

Presentation for the 23rd March >Here<

Presentation for the 25th March >Here<

Presentation for the 28th March >Here<

Presentation for the 28th March. 2 >Here<

Workshop materials

Types of ending. Workshop material > Here.

Phases of the end. Workshop material > Here.

Neutralise. Workshop material > Here.

Measuring. OKRs > Here.

The Ends Canvas. > Here.

Workshop Miro links

Group A. Miro board >here<

Group B. Miro board >here<

Group C. Miro board >here<

Group D. Miro board >here<

Group E. Miro board >here<

The Brief 

So much of the consumer experience is wrapped in to on-boarding and usage phases. 

We should all, as consumers, ask a simple question of any consumer experience. 

How does it end?


We should all as product creators ask a further question. 

How should it end?


Aim at the end.

A good consumer off-boarding experience should be…

Consciously connected to the rest of the experience 

through emotional triggers 

that are measurable

and actionable by the user. 

It should identify and bond the consumer and provider together in mutual responsibility. 

Its aim should be to neutralise the negative consequences of consumption. 

It should be concluded in a timely manner and 

avoid assets falling outside the consumer lifecycle. 



Provide a design

This can be presented in the form of video, presentation, interactive prototype, etc.

It should come with foundational arguments, research, working out.

It should show clear phases of the off-boarding experience.

It should aim to fulfil the Endineering Aim at the End.



The final delivery / presentation is on the 6th April.

Product Briefs.

Brief 1. >here<

Brief 2. >here<

Brief 3. >here<

Brief 4. >here<

Brief 5. >here<

Reading list

A list of background reading can be found >here<