Ends Audit.

How is your customer off-boarding? 

Many companies overlook endings. Few would even be able to say how customers off-board from their service or what type of ending they experience. This leaves consumers vulnerable to poor experiences left open for negative interpretation in the aftermath. In short its a lost opportunity and a massive threat.


The Ends Audit is a short exercise into the off-boarding opportunities of a business, product or service. It considers 6 key factors of off-boarding in the customer experience. It aims to provide a meaningful, efficient assessment of what is currently being experienced and identifies areas for improvement and development. 


Through observations, assessing and discussing current practices, a picture of off-boarding can be made. Building on this through tools and models, developed over the last few years in the Closure Experiences project, insights are revealed.


A report is then produced providing an assessment of the positives and negatives with the opportunities and potential challenges impacting the customer’s experience of endings. These might be tactical issues to implement immediately or strategic approaches to improve over the long term.


The role of the document is to provide businesses with an efficient method of assessing their customer offering. It improves dialogue and understanding around this area inside the business. It gives companies immediate and early direction on an emerging field of consumer experience.


The length of the Ends Audit depends on size and complexity of the business, quantity of products offered, and support from the business being assessed. The smallest of assessments should be achieved in a few days. The most lengthy a week or two.