Endineering Cohort 5.

Link for the course.

You should have received an email with this link and login details.

Course Schedule. 

The first course content will be available on the 13th of January.

The course kick-off will be on Tuesday 21st of March with a Zoom call > Invites to follow.

Weekly check-ins. Tues 21st March, Tues 28th, Tues 4th April, Tues 11th and finally graduation on Tues 18th of April.

Course content will be released on Tuesday 21st Feb, Wed 29th, Wed 5th April, and Wed 12th. 

Kick off.
Tuesday 21st March

Opportunity to introduce ourselves, say hi. Then have a look over what’s coming in the course, and also how the interface works, and ask any questions.

The recording for the early session is >here<.

Weekly Check-in.
Tuesday 28th March

Week 1. History and foundations
Opportunity to discuss this weeks themes.
History of Endings, History of Consumerism, The End Gap, and additional issues brought up in this week content.

Recording of sessions will be placed here.

Weekly Check-in.
Tuesday 4th April

Week 2. Getting Practical
Opportunity to discuss this weeks themes.
Aim at the End, Psychology at the End, Ends at on-boarding, and additional issues brought up in this week content.

Weekly check-in recording will be placed here.
Early session check-in recording >here<.

Weekly Check-in.
Tuesday 11th April

Week 3. Systems and Models
Opportunity to discuss this weeks themes.
Types of Ending and Phases of the End, and additional issues brought up in this week content.

Weekly check-in recording will be placed here.
Early session check-in recording is >here<.

Endineers Graduation & Certificate Ceremony.
Tuesday 18th of April

Week 4. Start Endineering.
Opportunity to discuss this weeks themes + Graduation
Transaction types, The Ends Canvas, Measuring the End, Legacy Number, Applying the approach, and additional issues brought up in this week content.

Weekly check-in recording will be placed here.
Early session recording is >here<.


You will be added to the Endineering Slack channel to discuss aspects of the course and the theme of Endineering with the rest of your cohort, and Endineers from previous cohorts and training sessions.

Feel free to reach out on email directly if needed as well. 

For further information I will also add you to a monthly update about Endineering. It will contain short summaries of what is happening with the Endineering theme - talks, workshops, discussion points, examples and reduced rates on training to share with friends, colleagues and businesses.

Free Books.

We will be working from the Ends and Endineering book throughout this course. 
Here are your free e-book copies of both.

Endineering book (2021)
Go here >
Go to check out>
Enter code: XM24U

Ends book (2017)
Go here >
Go to check out>
Enter code: KA37U