Trapped in a Holiday: A Cautionary Tale of Bad Endings
Joe Macleod Joe Macleod

Trapped in a Holiday: A Cautionary Tale of Bad Endings

Embarking on a new relationship with a brand or product should ideally be an exciting venture, filled with potential and promise. However, what happens when the whispers you hear about these products are laden with tales of regret and entrapment?

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Degrowth: shifting purpose and employees to a better end.
Joe Macleod Joe Macleod

Degrowth: shifting purpose and employees to a better end.

As climate change becomes more real everyday we need to ask harder questions on the norms of our lifestyles. Many people are starting to see the need for degrowth, but business leaders are questioning how they do that and still add value to their consumer product experience. How do we refocus all those businesses to do better and grow less? It’s a big ask.

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Digital transformation is half done
Joe Macleod Joe Macleod

Digital transformation is half done

Many companies are wrangling their businesses on to a digital footing. Some have failed and gone under. Successful ones are celebrating their new found efficiencies, smoothness of customer sign up and integrated logistics. What is common amongst all of them is the sparse attention placed on the end of the customer experience. Why is this a problem?

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