Cadence in music as inspiration for Closure
In classical music the term Cadence refers to the resolution that brings a phrase or a piece of music to an end. There are different forms of Cadence in music, half cadence, full cadence, plagal cadence.
Different forms of Cadence represent a stronger or more complete closure in classical musical pieces. We may consider these in two different stages, where one represents the coming of the end and one represents the end.
In Indian classical music the end of a piece is determined solely by the feelings of the performer. A piece may even last all evening. Although Indian audiences are quite familiar with this format of music, western audiences and venues find it hard to adjust, as our music is less flexible with time.
The way Indian classical music continues until the performer feels the piece is emotionally finished can represent to a service provider the ideal customer experience.
Many service providers would like their service relationships to go on forever. Unfortunately it also represents problems for an unwilling audience.
Timed closure, which we experience in the form of a contract in services, is present in western music with the ‘score’. This times a piece of music so we can set a schedule and plan a concert around it. Although we often experience modern music as a product in the form of a CD, music has traditionally been a service and therefore offers many commonalities.
Musicians have refined techniques to bring closure to their music. These are well established, tried and tested methods. As a form of art, music has not been blinkered by the need of money. In contrast, business has not considered the issue of a satisfactory closure in the offering.
Music has considered the closure experience of its offering, how it happens and when. Services are often compared to performances yet how many offer satisfactory endings?