Design Endings –

Designing consumption lifecycles that end as well as they begin

Course dates
27th March - 5th April

Guest Lectures

29th March. Sam James. Service. Restaurant consultant.

3rd April. Åsa Stenmarck. Material flow expert. Sustainable consumption.åsa-stenmarck-a4221118/

5th April. Pernilla Johansson. Previously Head of Design Electrolux. Head of UX Delivery at Volvo

Presentation, decks, links and resources

This is where I will put copies of the presentations

Free Books.

We will be working from the Ends and Endineering book throughout this course. 
Here are your free e-book copies of both.
You will have to create an account with Smashwords

Endineering book (2021)
Go here >
Go to check out>
Enter code: XM24U

Ends book (2017)
Go here >
Go to check out>
Enter code: KA37U

Endineering Aim at the End.

A good consumer off-boarding experience should be…

Consciously connected to the rest of the experience 

through emotional triggers 

that are measurable

and actionable by the user. 

It should identify and bond the consumer and provider together in mutual responsibility. 

Its aim should be to neutralise the negative consequences of consumption. 

It should be concluded in a timely manner and 

avoid assets falling outside the consumer lifecycle.

Ends Canvas

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