Who is Joe?
Joe Macleod is founder of the worlds first customer ending business. (Oh, he also was head of design at Ustwo a few years ago) A veteran of product development industry with decades of experience across service, digital and product sectors.
Head of Endineering at AndEnd. TEDx Speaker. Wired says “An energetic Englishman, Macleod advises companies on how to game out their endgames. Every product faces a cycle of endings. It's important to plan for each of them. Not all companies do." Fast Company says “Joe Macleod wants brands to focus on what happens to products at the end of their life cycle—not just for the environment but for the entire consumer experience.”
He is author of the Ends book, that iFixIt called “the best book about consumer e-waste”. And the new book –Endineering, that people are saying “defines and maps out a whole new sub-discipline of study”. The DoLectures consider the Endineering book one of the best business books of 2022.
This is the Endineering book. 👀 📗 --- The Endineering book https://t.co/w1oDME8zgE Endineering ebook… https://t.co/lKMqm8LTua
The only human-made story without an end. Find out more > https://t.co/QoYOBpyNa9 Become an #Endineer and… https://t.co/stIkvJhYpx
This is the Ends book. 📕 👀 ---- Ends book https://t.co/SQV1nKMcMZ Ends ebook https://t.co/gAivUWrnZI Become an… https://t.co/K1L1shVGQJ